ASB Case 19914 - Update of 29th November 21 Plus, This message updates the Council regarding the battle with three of my neighbours, detailed within anti-social behaviour case 19914 - please forward as necessary. I would normally try to ignore 'Frothy' Bradley's antics of yesterday, Sunday 28th, but the headache's still with me this morning! Saturday's storm saw me clearing junk from my back-yard, blown cardboard from overflowing bins spreading itself down the High Street, unblocking drains from near the garages at top of Connops Way and even sweeping leaves, largely at the behest of my fine neighbour Kim Parsons, who also uses a garage, but is currently unwell; so I was pleased when Sunday dawned quite fine, with no apparent racket from the occasional all-night parties at Denziel House, with the day remaining quiet until lunchtime when Frothy turned-out with a vacuum cleaner in the back-yard to clear the leaves! What a racket! The device is branded as 'Hyundai' type and can probably also act as a blower, which Frothy noisily deployed for over half-an-hour last Sunday lunch-time (21st November) - but acting as a vacuum at least trebles the noise! I risked more abuse and threats of violence by hanging my head out of a landing window and offering monies if my neighbour would desist and return to using a broom, for which, incidentally, I have previously provided the occasional cake! Frothy's response, if I heard correctly, was to suggest I approach the manager of the dog-shop at the bottom of High Street, Gary Farmer, who also uses a leaf blower/vacuum; that would-be Councillor, a 'Libertarian', has a lot for which 'e might answer! DAustin High Street, DY9.